时间:5月16日 14:00 -14:25
力试验/Seismic Design and Hybrid Tests of a Full-Scale 2-Story RC Frame with Buckling Restrained Braces
摘要:本研究探討如何以預埋之工字型鐵件作為鋼筋混凝土(RC)構件與挫屈束制支撐(buckling restrained brace, BRB)連接介面之耐震設計與分析方法,試體為一座雙層實尺寸總高為7.41m、寬5m含BRB之RC構架(BRB-RCF),採用A36鋼材BRB與之字形配置,BRB接合板之設計考慮BRB軸力與梁柱開合效應,梁柱構件滿足ACI 318-14耐震設計規範,並對試體進行四次擬動力試驗與反覆載重試驗。研究目的包含:(1)提出RC構件不連續區之檢核方法。(2)提出RC構件與接合隅板在側位移下之梁柱開合效應受力分析方法,並與試驗結果比較。(3)研究預埋鐵件之設計與施工方法,透過試驗探討其耐震性能。(4)提出新建RC構架加裝BRB之設計流程,並透過試驗探討BRB對RC構架之抗震效益。試驗證實BRB降伏、梁柱構件塑鉸位置與發生順序與設計目標相同。顯示設計適當之BRB-RCF滿足性能導向耐震設計目標,且在經歷二次大震之後依能保持良好性能。本研究亦對雙層BRB-RCF試體建立PISA3D模型分析,挑選擬動態試驗之地震歷時並預測試驗反應。試驗結束後,本研究進一步利用試驗反應校正PISA3D分析模型,達到更準確之模擬結果。
Abstract: This paper proposes a novel implementation of buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) in new reinforced concrete (RC) frame construction. The seismic design and analysis methods of using the proposed steel cast-in anchor bracket (CAB) as the interface for the BRB and RC members are investigated. The steel CAB is designed to transfer the BRB normal and shear forces in order to secure the seismic performance of the RC buildings. In this study, a full-scale two-story RC frame with BRBs (BRB-RCF) is tested using hybrid and cyclic loading test procedures. The BRBs are arranged in zigzag configuration and designed to resist 70% of the story shear. The design of gussets incorporates the BRB axial and RC frame actions, while the beam and column members comply with ACI 318-14 seismic design provisions. This paper discusses the design and construction methods of the steel CAB, seismic performance of the BRB-RCF, and seismic responses of BRBs, gussets and RC members. A typical PISA3D numerical model of the BRB-RCF was constructed to predict the test responses and select the earthquake ground motions for hybrid tests. After all tests, a rectified PISA3D numerical model is validated. It is illustrated that the experimental responses of the BRB-RCF can be accurately simulated using the proposed procedures.