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【2016国际工程科技发展战略高端论坛现场报告】Brian UY:Innovative Connections for the development of Demountable Steel and Composite Structural Systems./ 可拆卸式钢结构和组合结构的新型连接




日期 : 2016-05-16

brian uy_副本.jpg
时间:5月16日 14:25 -14:50
Title: Innovative Connections for the development of Demountable Steel and Composite Structural Systems./ 可拆卸式钢结构和组合结构的新型连接
Abstract: This paper will summarise recent research findings on the development of innovative connections which facilitate the development of demountable steel and composite structural systems. Extensive experimental and numerical research on the behaviour of beam-beam, beam-column, beam-slab, column-column and column-footing connections will be highlighted. The development of design codes for these structural forms will also be highlighted. The paper will conclude with recommendations for future research to enable further proliferation of demountable structural forms for steel and composite structures.