Time:May15 11:45 -12:05
Title: Very Large Floating Structures (VLFS): An Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Solution for Land Creation on the Sea/超大型海洋浮式结构物:一种环保、可持续的海上造陆方案
Abstract: The ocean as a frontier for colonisation has a longevity that stems from mankind’s long-standing attraction to the ocean. Covering 70% of the Earth, the ocean provides a means to alleviate demands on coastal land pressure; land scarcity; avail renewable energy sources and new materials; increased food production and even to store carbon dioxide in order to mitigate global warming. As close to 50% of the industrialised world now lives within a kilometre of the coast, the demand on land resources and space is beginning to approach a critical stage as the population of the world continues to expand at an alarming rate. There is need for a sustainable and environmental-friendly development. Technological innovations that promote stewardship of the Earth’s resources, especially the ocean, are vital for mankind’s survival in this millennium. One of these environmentally-friendly innovations to arise in recent times is the concept of Very Large Floating Structures (VLFS) – a technology that allows the creation of artificial land from the sea without destroying marine habitats, polluting coastal waters and altering tidal and natural current flow. In this lecture, the audience is introduced to the world of very large floating structures (VLFS) that have been gradually appearing in the waters off developed coastal cities and countries with long coastlines. Their presence is largely due to a severe shortage of land and the sky-rocketing land costs in recent times. Both present and future applications of VLFS will be presented.