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    Physics of Fluids特刊征稿

    作者:彭子悦 李雨桐  


    审核人:王宇航 仉文岗  

    日期 : 2023-12-22

    近日,由重庆大学土木工程学院参与主办的流体力学期刊《Physics of Fluids》面向土木工程领域的特刊《Flow and Civil Structures流体与土木结构/城市建筑》正式创刊,现面向广大学者 征稿。

    《Physics of Fluids》期刊由AIP Publishing出版社出版,期刊分区为 JCR Q1, 影响因子为4.6,是中科院工程技术2区TOP期刊。由学院陈增顺教授、李雨桐教授等任客座主编。

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    人类城市化的程度反应了我们文明发展与科学进步的高度。不论是为了保留珍贵历史建筑还是为了构思未来城市的前卫理念,我们在所有的土木工程和建筑建设中所做出的创新与设计都无法绕开流体对结构与环境的影响。此外,在如今快速的城市化进程中,城市环境与微气候已成为科学和工程探索的重要前沿。唯有深入挖掘流体动力学知识,我们才能更好地保障新时代轻柔化土木结构的安全,更深刻地理解城市内的空气流动、温度分布、湿度变化等对城市环境的影响,进而合理细致的规划城市空间,提升城市的安全性、可持续性和宜居性。(The extent of urbanization reflects the advancement of human civilization and scientific progress. Our civil endeavors, whether historical marvels or futuristic realizations, must all withstand the complex physics of fluids. Furthermore, given today’s unprecedented size and number of metropolises, the city biome and urban microclimate have become significant frontiers of scientific and engineering exploration—only to be fully understood with fluid mechanics knowledge.)

    本特刊聚焦城市流体力学,旨在城市流体研究中构建理论知识与实际应用之间的紧密桥梁。因此,我们热切的邀请您在本特刊发表相关的最新研究成果。研究内容包含但不限于在流体力学与土木工程/城市环境的相关领域展开的理论、实验和数值模拟研究以及应用研究。(This Special Issue aims to shed light on the often-overlooked aspect of fluid mechanics and facilitate the exchange of theoretical knowledge and its practical application. We invite theoretical, experimental, and numerical contributions that investigate fluid flows in all facets of the urban setting.)


    1. 流体与城市建筑/土木结构内部、外部的相互作用(Internal and external interactions of fluids and civil structures and infrastructure)

    2. 城市风热环境与城市微气候(Fluid flows in the urban environment and microclimate)

    3. 城市风灾、内涝及其它流致灾害:防灾、抗灾和减灾(Fluid-related disaster prevention for cities)

    4. 城市污染物扩散与可持续性(Pollution and sustainability)

    5. 城市空气动力学与城市水文学(Urban aerodynamics and hydrology)

    6. 城市中的流体力学:模拟,实验与算法(Computational, experimental, and analytical methods/algorithms applicable to urban flows)

    7. 其它(特刊主编欢迎多学科交叉研究)(POF has a very open-minded editorial leadership and always welcome new ideas)



    投稿链接 :https://pof.peerx-press.org/cgi-bin/main.plex

    文章投稿截止时间:2024年4月30日(Rolling Basis 可延期)



    (Tim K.T. Tse, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)


    (Zengshun Chen, Chongqing University)


    (Xuelin Zhang, Sun Yat-sen University (POF Associate Editor))


    (Cruz Y. Li, Chongqing University)