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    鲍挺,教授,博士生导师,入选国家级高层次青年人才计划,从事能源与环境岩土工程、边坡与地下工程、机器学习及多场耦合数值计算等方面研究,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和省部级研究课题多项。本硕毕业于中国地质大学(武汉),博士毕业于密歇根理工大学,曾在密歇根理工大学和太平洋西北国家实验室从事科学研究工作,参与美国能源部、NSF、密歇根交通部等研究课题,在《Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci.》、《Rock Mech. Rock Engin.》、《Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.》、《J. Sound Vib.》、《Struct. Control Health Monit.》、《Appl. Energy》等杂志上发表SCI论文30余篇,多个权威期刊审稿人。

    1. 能源与环境岩土多场耦合
    2. 地下能源工程(CO2地质封存、地下储能、浅层和深层地热等)
    3. 机器学习及应用
    4. 边坡工程
    5. 地质工程
    6. 基础冲刷检测与监测相关的岩土工程问题等。

    • 中国土木工程学会非饱和土与特殊土专业委员会主任委员
    • 重庆岩石力学与工程学会青年工作委员会委员
    • 重庆市青年科学家创新联盟理事
    • 《Biogeotechnics》青年编委
    • 美国国家交通技术委员会(TRB)桥梁结构管理委员会委员
    • Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering、Acta Geotechnica、Applied Energy等多个SCI期刊特邀审稿专家
    • 国家自然科学基金评审专家等

    • 国家青年人才计划项目
    • 国家自然科学基金面上项目
    • 重庆市自然科学基金创新发展联合基金项目
    • 中国工程院院地合作咨询研究重大项目
    • 企业科研咨询项目
    • 地质碳封存
    1. Bao, T., Burghardt, J., Gupta, V., Edelman, E., McPherson, B. and White, M., 2021. Experimental workflow to estimate model parameters for evaluating long term viscoelastic response of CO2 storage caprocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 146, pp.104796.
    2. Bao, T., Burghardt, J., Gupta, V., and White, M., 2021. Impact of time-dependent deformation on geomechanical risk for geologic carbon storage. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 148, pp.104940.
    3. Bao, T. and Burghardt, J., 2022. A Bayesian Approach for In-Situ Stress Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification for Subsurface Engineering. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, pp.1-18.
    • 地热开发
    1. Bao, T. and Liu, Z.L., 2019. Thermohaline stratification modeling in mine water via double-diffusive convection for geothermal energy recovery from flooded mines. Applied Energy, 237, pp.566-580.
    2. Bao, T., Meldrum, J., Green, C., Vitton, S., Liu, Z. and Bird, K., 2019. Geothermal energy recovery from deep flooded copper mines for heating. Energy Conversion and Management, 183, pp.604-616.
    3. Bao, T., Liu, Z., Meldrum, J., Green, C., Xue, P. and Vitton, S., 2018. Field tests and multiphysics analysis of a flooded shaft for geothermal applications with mine water. Energy conversion and management, 169, pp.174-185.
    • 基础冲刷
    1. Bao, T., Swartz, R.A., Vitton, S., Sun, Y., Zhang, C. and Liu, Z., 2017. Critical insights for advanced bridge scour detection using the natural frequency. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 386, pp.116-133.
    2. Bao, T. and Liu, Z.L., 2020. Evaluation of Winkler model and Pasternak model for dynamic soil-structure interaction analysis of structures partially embedded in soils. International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(2), p.04019167.
    3. Bao, T. and Liu, Z., 2021. Bridge scour characteristic curve for natural frequency-based bridge scour monitoring using simulation-based optimization. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 28(8), p.e2773.
    • 多孔介质传热
    1. Bao, T., Liu, S., Qin, Y. and Liu, Z.L., 2020. 3D modeling of coupled soil heat and moisture transport beneath a surface fire. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 149, p.119163.
    2. Bao, T., Azmoon, B. and Liu, Z.L., 2021. Freeze-thaw depth prediction with constrained optimization for spring load restriction. Transportation Geotechnics, 26, p.100419.
    3. Bao, T., Liu, Z. and Bland, J., 2019. A multivariate freezing-thawing depth prediction model for spring load restriction. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 167, p.102856.


