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学术报告通知:Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at University College London




日期 : 2015-06-05

报告题目:Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at University College London

报告人:Prof. Stuart Robson报告地点:城环学院4楼多媒体教室报告时间:6月8日 上午10:30报告人简介:Professor Stuart Robson is known for his research in the field of dynamic 3D co-ordination and monitoring of engineering, medical and heritage structures using traceable optical metrology techniques. His reputation is built around advancing the science, capability and application of low cost photogrammetric image networks and sequences. He leads the 3DImpact Research Group at UCL which comprises two academics, two teaching fellows, a senior research fellow, three Research Associates and 14 PhD and EngD students. Moreover, he was one of four undergraduate programme directors who merged departmental undergraduate degree programmes following the merger between Civil & Environmental Engineering and Geomatic Engineering Departments. At undergraduate level he took a key role in redesigning the Geoinformatics degree course to incorporate a common first year and half of a second year with the existing Civil and Environmental undergraduate degree programmes.
UCL was founded in 1826 and is one of the top universities in UK as well as all over the world. Academic excellence and conducting research that addresses real-world problems inform UCL's ethos to this day and plans for the future.RESEARCH: According to QS 2013 World University Rankings, UCL ranks No. 4 in the overall score of all the universities in the world, and it attracts the third highest number of academic citations per faculty member in the UK, showing the high esteem and relevance of the institution's research. UCL is the top-rated university in the UK for research strength in the new Research Excellence Framework 2014. According to independent analysis, UCL won the largest funding allocation from the UK research councils in 2013 (£135m), and UCL also has the greatest number of prestigious Doctoral Training Centres.EDUCATION: UCL has the best academic to student ratio in the UK (1:10), enabling small class sizes and outstanding individual support. It is one of the top two universities in the UK for the number of professors, which means that students are taught by the most highly qualified experts in their field. UCL provides an environment that encourages students to be ambitious yet idealistic.CEGE: UCL’s Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering currently holds the largest EPSRC research portfolio in civil engineering and ranked as the number one university in which to study Civil Engineering in the 2013 and 2014 Guardian League Tables.