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    2002.9~2006.7    北京航空航天大学土木工程系  学士;
    2006.9~2008.7    北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院  硕士;
    2009.9~2012.9    (日本)東京工芸大学建筑学与风工学专攻  博士;
    2008.7~2009.7    中船建筑设计研究院 结构设计,助理工程师;
    2013.7~2017.11   湖南大学 土木学院,助理教授;
    2017.11~2018.7   湖南大学 土木学院,副教授;
    2018.8~          重庆大学 土木学院,研究员;

    (1) 高耸结构和大跨度桥梁的非线性动力参数识别以及系统建模
    (2) 高层建筑风荷载的气动外形优化,以及高层建筑周边行人风环境优化
    (3) 悬索桥、建筑结构的非线性动力学分析


    《Frontiers in Built Environment》编委

    国家自然科学基金,青年基金(51408207). 2015-2017, 基于强/台风实测与风洞实验的高层建筑群风场特性研究,课题负责人。
    湖南省高校创新平台开放基金. 2016-2018,建筑/桥梁围护结构极值风荷载的估计方法及研究,课题负责人。
    国家自然科学基金,面上基金(52078087), 2021-2024, 基于表面附属构造的高层建筑外形气动优化研究,课题负责人。
    57. Hui, Y., Yang, Z., Xia, C., Su, Y.*, Li, S., 2024. Study on vibration control performance of pendulum TMD with additional stoppers and its application on high-rise buildings.  J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 254, 105926.
    56. Su, Y., Li, M., Hui, Y.*, et al., 2024. Fluctuating wind load encountered by linearly moving vehicles: Investigation on fluctuating wind spectral characteristics. Eng. Struct., 319, 118879.
    55. Hui, Y., Jiang, B.*, Yang, Q., Law, S.S., 2024. Continuum approach of nonlinear dynamic analysis of a rotating wind turbine blade considering hub motion. Renewable Energy, 231, 120878.
    54. Peng, M., Hui, Y.*, Li, S., Yang, Q., 2024. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of parked large wind turbine blade considering parametric excitation. Thin Wall Struct., 201, 112032.
    53. Jiang, Y., Hui, Y.*, Li, M., Zhu, H., He, B., 2024. Experimental study on wind load characteristics of rooftop canopies of low and medium rise buildings. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 249, 105748.
    52. Hui, Y.*, Tang, Y., Yang, Q., Mochida, A., 2024. Numerical study on influence of surface vegetation on aerodynamics of high-rise buildings. Sustain. Cities Soc. 107, 105407.
    51. Hui, Y., Tang, Y.*, Yang, Q., Chen, B., 2024. A Wake-Oscillator Model for predicting VIV of 4-to-1 rectangular section cylinder. Nonlinear Dynam., 112, 8985–8999.
    50. Hui, Y., Liu, Z.*, Guo, K., Yang, Q., 2024. A Mathematical Model of Nonlinear Aerodynamic Damping for High-Rise Buildings. J. Eng. Mech. (ASCE) 150(5), 04024021.  
    49. Tang, Y., Hui, Y.*, Li, K., 2024. Study on mechanism of VIV causing limited amplitude vibration through LES for a 4:1 rectangular cylinder. Eur. J. Mech. B/fluids, 105, 192-205.
    48. Hui, Y.*, Ruan, Q., Yang, Z.-Q., Chen, B., 2023. A Generic Pre-Processing Technique of IHB Method for Continuum System to Improve Calculation Efficiency. Int. J. Applied Mechanics, 2350091.
    47. Hui, Y.*, Xie, P., Ruan, Q., Zhu, W., Xu, L., 2023. An efficient extended IHB method for non-linear dynamic analysis with multi-frequency harmonic excitations using an auto adapted truncation technique. Acta Mechanica, 234(12), pp. 6271–6295.
    46. 杨庆山,娄泽辉,回忆*,2023. 外伸板对高层建筑横风向风致响应影响研究. 建筑结构学报,44(5),28–37.
    45. Hui, Y., Xia, C., Li, K., Qin, J., Xu, L., 2023. Modal Characteristic and Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridge with Lateral Asymmetric Stiffness. Int. J. Struct. Stab. Dyn., 23(10), 2350110.
    44. 刘锦阳,回忆*,杨庆山,2023. 外伸肋板对高层建筑流场影响的PIV试验研究. 工程力学, 40(5), 140-150.
    43. Liu, J., Hui, Y.*, Yang, Q., Zhang, R., 2023. LES evaluation of the aerodynamic characteristics of high-rise building with horizontal ribs under atmospheric boundary layer flow. J. Build. Eng. 69, 106487.
    42. Liu, Z., Hui, Y.*, Yang, Q., He, Y., 2023. Along-wind and across-wind coupling analysis of high-rise buildings: Modeling and parameter identifications. J. Build. Eng. 69, 106313.
    41. Liu, J., Hui, Y.*, Yang, Q., Wang, G., 2023. Numerical study of impact of façade ribs on the wind field and wind force of high-rise building under atmospheric boundary layer flow. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 236, 105399.
    40. Hui, Y., Yang, Z.-Q., Ruan, Q., Li, K.*, Bao, L., 2023. Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of a hysteretic TMD and its application on a tall building. Journal of Building Engineering, 65, 105671.
    39. Hui, Y., Law, S.S., Guo, K.*, Liu, M., 2023. Innovative approach with harmonic modes and finite element modeling for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of a suspension bridge. Nonlin. Dyn., 111(5), 4221–4236.
    38. Xu, L., Hui, Y.*, Liu, G., Qin, J., 2023. Internal resonance of generalized suspension bridge model considering torsional-vertical vibration, Structures, 47, 1754–1776.
    37. Jiang, Y., Hui, Y.*, Wang, Y., et al., 2023. A novel eigenvalue-based iterative simulation method for multi-dimensional homogeneous non-Gaussian stochastic vector fields. Structural Safety, 100, 102290.
    36. Jiang, B., Hui, Y.*, Yang, Q., Hua, X., 2022. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of parked large wind turbine blade considering harmonic inertial excitation using continuum mathematical model. Thin-Walled Structures, 181, 110128.
    35. Li, S., Xiao, F., Li, S., Hui, Y.*, et al. 2022. Wind Loads on Solar Panels Mounted on Facade of High-Rise Residential Building. Int. J. Struct. Stab. Dyn. 2022, 22(3-4), 2240019.
    34. Liu, J., Hui, Y.*, Li, S., Jiang, Y., 2022. Numerical studies on aerodynamic forces and flow control regimes of square cylinder with four surface ribs. Comput. Fluids, 245, 105609.
    33. Tang, Y., Hui, Y.*, Li, K., 2022. LES study on variation of flow pattern around a 4:1 rectangular cylinder and corresponding wind load during VIV. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 228, 105121.
    32. Li, K., Zhao, L., Hui, Y.*, Yang, Q., Chen, Z., Qian, G., 2022. Active flutter control of a bridge-flap system considering aerodynamic interferences in practical considerations. Smart Mater.  Struct., 31(6), 065006.
    31. Hui, Y., Liu, J.*, Wang, J., Yang, Q., 2022. Effects of facade rib arrangement on aerodynamic characteristics and flow structure of a square cylinder. Build. Environ., 214, 108924.
    30. Hui, Y., Xu, L.*, and Jiang, Y., 2022. Nonlinear torsional primary resonance analysis of suspension bridge with generalized configuration using mathematical model. Eng. Struct. 255, 113935.
    29. Xu, L., Hui, Y., and Li, K., 2022. Non-linear Dynamic Analysis on a Continuum Suspension Bridge Model with Spatial Layout of Main Cables. Int. J. Struct. Stab. Dyn. 22(7), 2250041.
    28. Wang, J.*, Hui, Y.*, Law, S.S., Jiang Y., 2022. Nonlinear characteristics of suspension bridges with inclined hangers under harmonic excitations and countermeasures for vibration control. Struct Control Health Monit. 29(4), e2907. https://doi.org/10.1002/stc.2907
    27. 刘子荷,回忆*,杨庆山,2021. 竖向外伸肋板对高层建筑气动力特性影响的试验研究,建筑结构学报,42(11),172-181. DOI: 10.14006/j.jzjgxb.2019.0872
    26. Xu, L., Hui, Y.*, Zhu, W., Hua, X., 2021. Three-to-one internal resonance analysis for a suspension bridge with spatial cable through a continuum model. Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids. 90, 104354.
    25. Liu, J., Hui, Y.*, Wang, J., Yang, Q., 2021. LES study of windward-face-mounted-ribs’ effects on flow fields and aerodynamic forces on a square cylinder. Build. Environ. 200, 107950.
    24. Xu, L., Hui, Y.*, Yang, Q., Chen, Z., Law, S., 2022. Modeling and modal analysis of suspension bridge based on continual formula method. Mech. Sys. Signal Process. 162, 107855.
    23. Liu, J., Hui, Y.*, Yang, Q., Tamura, Y., 2021. Flow field investigation for aerodynamic effects of surface mounted ribs on square-sectioned high-rise buildings. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 211, 104551.
    22. 袁珂, 张小平, 回忆*, 陈政清, 2020. 附属物对高层建筑局部风压的影响规律研究. 振动与冲击, 39(7):202-208.
    21. Hui, Y.*, Law, S.S., Zhu, W.D., Wang, Q., 2021. Internal resonance of structure with hysteretic base-isolation and its application for seismic mitigation. Eng. Struct. 229, 111643.
    20. Hui, Y.*, Law, S.S., Zhu, W.D., 2021. Efficient algorithm for the dynamic analysis of large civil structures with a small number of nonlinear components. Mech. Sys. Signal Process. 152, 107480.
    19. Wang, J.X., Yang, Q.S., Hui, Y.*, 2021. Comparisons of design wind pressures on roof-mounted solar arrays between wind tunnel tests and codes and standards. Adv. Struct. Eng. 24(4), 653–666.
    18. Yang, Q.S., Liu, Z.H., Hui, Y.*, Li, Z.N., 2020. Modification of aerodynamic force characteristics on high-rise buildings with arrangement of vertical plates. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 200, 104155.
    17. Hui, Y.*, Law, S.S., Zhu, W., Yang, Q.S., 2020. Extended IHB method for dynamic analysis of structures with geometrical and material non-linearities. Eng. Struct. 205, 110084.
    16. Song, Z.L., Hui, Y.*, Law, S.S., Chen, Z.Q., Shao, Z.Y., 2019. Non-linear aerodynamic load and parameters estimation for a SDOF wind-structure coupling system in wind tunnel test. Eng. Struct. 197, 109385.
    15. Hui, Y., Yuan K.*, Chen, Z.Q., Yang, Q.S., 2019. Characteristics of aerodynamic forces on high-rise buildings with various façade appurtenances. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 191, 76–90.
    14. Hui, Y., Kang, H.J., Law, S.S.*, Hua, X.G., 2019. Effect of cut-off order of nonlinear stiffness on the dynamics of a sectional suspension bridge model. Eng. Struct. 185, 377–391.
    13. Hui, Y.*, Law, S.S., Liu, M., Li, S.Y., 2018. Parameter and Aerodynamic Force Identification of a SDoF System in Wind Tunnel Test. J. Eng. Mech.(ASCE), 145(1), 04018120.
    12. Yuan, K., Hui, Y.*, Chen, Z.Q., 2018. Effects of facade appurtenances on the local pressure of high-rise building. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 178, 26-37.
    11. Hui, Y., Kang, H.J.*, Law, S.S., Chen, Z.Q., 2018. Analysis on two types of internal resonance of a suspended bridge structure with inclined main cables based on its sectional model. Eur. J. Mech. A Solid 72, 135-147.
    10. Hui, Y.*, Kang, H.J., Law, S.S., Chen, Z.Q., 2018. Modeling and Nonlinear dynamic analysis of cable-supported bridge with inclined main cables. Eng. Struct. 156, 351-362.
    9. Hui, Y.*, Tamura, Y., and Yang, Q.S., 2017. Estimation of extreme wind load on structures and claddings. J. Eng. Mech.(ASCE) 143(9), 0401708.
    8. Hui, Y.*, Tamura, Y., and Yang, Q.S., 2017. Analysis of interference effects on torsional moment between two high-rise buildings based on pressure and flow field measurement. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 164, 54-68.
    7. Hui, Y.*, Li, B., Kawai, H., and Yang, Q.S., 2017. Non-stationary and non-Gaussian Characteristics of wind speeds. Wind struct. 24(1), 59-78.
    6. Hui, Y., Law, S.S.*, and Ku, C.J., 2017. Structural damage detection based on covariance of covariance matrix with general white noise excitation. J. Sound vib. 389, 168-182.
    5. Hui, Y.*, Tamura, Y., Yang, Q.S., and Li, Z.N., 2016. Simulation of r Highest-Order Extreme Values of Correlated Random Process. J. Eng. Mech. (ASCE). 142(1), 06015003.
    4. Hui, Y.*, Yang, Q.S., and Li, Z.N., 2014. An alternative method for estimation of annual extreme wind speed. Wind and Structures.19(2), 169-184.
    3. Hui, Y.*, Tamura, Y., Yoshida, A., and Kikuchi, H., 2013. Pressure and flow field investigation of interference effects on external pressures between high-rise buildings. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 115, 150-161.
    2. Hui, Y.*, Yoshida, A., and Tamura, Y., 2013. Interference effects between two rectangular-section high-rise buildings on local peak pressure coefficients. J. Fluid Strurct. 37, 120-133.
    1. Hui, Y.*, Tamura, Y. and Yoshida, A., 2012. Mutual interference effects between two high-rise building models with different shapes on local peak pressure coefficients. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 104-106, 98-108.
    8. Pang, H., Yang, Q., Liu, M., Hui, Y., Cheng, B. 2022. The Influence of Wind Direction on the Inelastic Responses of a Base-Isolated Square Section High-Rise Building. Buildings, 12(8), 1208.
    7. Li, B., Peng, L., Jiang, Y., Wu, F., Hui, Y., Luo, Y. 2022. Simulation of stationary non-Gaussian stochastic vector processes using an eigenvalue-based iterative translation approximation method. Mech. Sys. Signal Process. 175, 109128.
    6. Yang, Q.S.*, Xu, L., Hui, Y., Li, H.H., Qin, J.W., 2020. Modeling of wedge-pin joint for the dynamic analysis of a planar temporary demountable structure. Adv. Struct. Eng. https://doi.org/10.1177/1369433220971734
    5. Yan, B.W., Li, K., Li, S.P., Qian, G.W., Hui, Y., 2020. Short-Term Response of a Bridge-Winglet Sectional Model under Active Flutter Control. Int. J. Struct. Stab. Dyn. 20(8), 2050084.
    4. Yang, Q.S.*, Li, D.Y., Hui, Y., Law, S.S., 2020. Estimation of extreme wind pressure coefficient in a zone by multivariate extreme value theory. Wind Strut. 31, 197-207.
    3. Li, S.Y., Liu, M., Li, H.X, Hui, Y., Chen, Z.Q., 2017. Effects of structural damping on wind-induced responses of a 243-meter-high solar tower based on a novel elastic test model. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 172, 1-11.
    2. Zhou, Q., Li, Z.N., Wu, H.H., Kuang, R., Hui, Y., 2015. Wind pressure distribution on trough concentrator and fluctuating wind pressure characteristics. Solar Energy, 120, 464-478. (影响因子4.018)
    1. 罗叠峰, 李正农, 回忆, 2014. 海边三栋相邻高层建筑顶部台风风场的实测分析.建筑结构学报.35(12),133-139.

    “高层建筑风荷载高精度分析及高效减载技术” 2021年度华夏建设科学技术奖,一等奖(2/15)
    “高层建筑风振分析理论与降载减振技术及其应用” 2023年度国家科技进步奖,二等奖(7/10)
    “柔性钢桥结构动力强化与振动拉制关健技术及人放振动理论” 2023年度中国钢结构协会科学技术奖,特等奖(18/20)


