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    周小涵,副研究员,博士,硕士生导师。主要从事隧道与地下工程通风与防灾、地下结构稳定性、边坡与基坑工程等领域研究。主持国家自然科学基金2项、重点研发子课题1项、省部级基金2项,主研自然科学基金3项,主持或主研横向项目20余项,是中国岩石力学与工程学会地下工程分会理事、重庆岩石力学与工程学会理事、副秘书长、International Journal of Mining Science and Technology(IJMST)青年编委,Journal of Intelligent Construction青年编委,重庆科技大学学报青年编委,是TUST、Scientific Reports、ENERGY、Cleaner Engineering and Technology、Journal of Building Engineering、APPLIED ENERGY、Results in Engineering、Engineering Structures、European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering、BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT、THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS等多个SCI期刊审稿专家。发表学术论文80余篇(SCI/EI 40余篇),申请专利30余项,出版专著1部,参编教材2部,获省部级(国家级协会)科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖3项。


    中国岩石力学与工程学会地下工程分会 理事
    重庆岩石力学与工程学会 理事、副秘书长
    重庆市公路学会隧道专业委员会 委员
    International Journal of Mining Science and Technology(IJMST) 青年编委
    Journal of Intelligent Construction  青年编委
    重庆岩石力学与工程学会隧道与地下工程专委会 委员
    公路隧道建设技术国家工程实验室 技术专家
    中国公路学会 会员

    [1]XH Zhou, YH Zeng, L Fan. Temperature field analysis of a cold-region railway tunnel considering mechanical and train-induced ventilation effects[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering.
    [2]Xiaohan Zhou, Xiaochuan Ren, Xuqian Ye, Liangliang Tao, Yanhua Zeng*, Xinrong Liu*,Temperature field and anti-freezing system for cold-region tunnels through rock with high geotemperatures[J], Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.
    [3]Liangliang Tao, Xiaohan Zhou*, Xiaoyu Tian, Xuqian Ye, Yanhua Zeng, Xinrong Liu, Study on the temperatures of railway tunnel side ditches in high-latitude cold regions based on the effects of wind[J], Case Studies in Thermal Engineering.
    [4]Xinrong Liu, Lojain Suliman, Xiaohan Zhou* and Ahmed Abd Elmageed, Parallel tunnel settlement characteristics: a theoretical calculation approach and adaptation analysis[J], Geomechanics and Engineering.
    [5]Xinrong,Liu,Fei,Xiong,Xiaohan,Zhou*,Dongshuang,Liu,Qiang,Chen,Jilu,Zhang,Yafeng,Han,Bin,Xu,Zhiyun,Deng,Chunmei,& He.(2022).Physical model test on the influence of the cutter head opening ratio on slurry shield tunnelling in a cobble layer[J].TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY.
    [8]Linfeng Wang, Xiaohan,Zhou*, Liangliang Tao, Yanhua Zeng, Xiaochuan Ren,Anti-freezing system of high altitude and high geothermal tunnel based on air-source heat extraction and case analysis[J],Case Studies in Thermal Engineering.
    [9]Liangliang Tao, Xiaoyu Tian, Xiaohan Zhou*, Yanhua Zeng*.Influence of mechanical wind heated by ground temperature on ambient temperature in tunnels: Numerical modeling, case study and analysis[J], International Journal of Thermal Sciences.
    [10]Zhuang Y, Liu X, Zhou X*, Du L*. Diffusion model of sulfate ions in concrete based on pore change of cement mortar and its application in mesoscopic numerical simulation[J]. Structural Concrete.
    [11]Xinrong Liu, Linfeng Wang, Xiaohan Zhou*, Jiming Wang, Zuliang Zhong, Peng Liu, Fei Xiong, Chunmei He. E-M calculation model and its application of calculating deformation in a new tunnel orthogonally undercrossing an existing tunnel[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.
    [12]Zhiyun Deng, Xinrong Liu, Xiaohan Zhou*, Albert de la Fuente*, Yafeng Han*, Fei Xiong, Haoyang Peng,Field monitoring of mechanical parameters of deep-buried jacketed-pipes in rock: Guanjingkou water control project[J],Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.


