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薛暄译,工学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。博士毕业于同济大学。在重庆大学从事博士后科研工作,导师为周绪红院士。在香港理工大学从事博士后科研工作,导师为Ben Young教授。入选重庆市高层次人才计划,入选全球前2%顶尖科学家“2024年年度影响力榜单”。
在Engineering Structures, Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Building Engineering, Thin-Walled Structures, Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE)和Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE)等期刊上发表SCI收录论文90余篇,其中第一作者或唯一通讯作者SCI收录论文70余篇,唯一通讯作者ESI高被引论文12篇。在建筑结构学报等中文期刊上发表论文7篇,其中第一作者或唯一通讯作者论文5篇。授权发明专利30余项,获省部级施工工法1项。主持和参与国家自然科学基金项目各1项,主持省部级项目2项。获中国交通运输协会科技进步二等奖1项,获河北省建筑业科技计划项目1项。


(2)担任Constructional and Building Materials,Engineering Structures , Journal of Building Engineering等多个学术期刊的科研论文审稿人

1. Sun Feifei, Xue Xuanyi*, Xiao Yong, Le Yumin, Li Guoqiang. Effect of welding and complex loads on the high-strength steel T-stub connection. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2018, 150, 76–86.
2. Xiao Yong, Xue Xuanyi*, Sun Feifei, Li Guoqiang. Postbuckling shear capacity of high-strength steel plate girders. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2018, 150, 475–90.
3. Xiao Yong, Xue Xuanyi*, Sun Feifei, Li Guoqiang. Intermediate transverse stiffener requirements of high-strength steel plate girders considering postbuckling capacity. Engineering Structures 2019, 196, 109289.
4. Xue Xuanyi, Zhou Xuhong, Shi Yu*, Xiang Yi. Ultimate shear resistance of S600E high-strength stainless steel plate girders. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2021, 179, 106535.
5. Zhou Xuhong, Xue Xuanyi*, Shi Yu, Xu Jinyong. Post-fire mechanical properties of Q620 high-strength steel with different cooling methods. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2021, 180, 106608.
6. Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Huang Lepeng, Wang Neng, Xue Xuanyi*. Experimental study on mechanical properties of corroded stainless-clad bimetallic steel bars. Construction and Building Materials 2021, 287, 123019.
7. Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Wang Neng, Huang Lepeng, Hai Letian, Li Yanwen, Zhu Xiaohuan, Xue Xuanyi*. Experimental and numerical investigations on corroded stainless-clad bimetallic steel bar with artificial damage. Journal of Building Engineering 2021, 44, 102779.
8. Hua Jianmin, Fan Haifeng, Xue Xuanyi*, Wang Fei, Chen Zengshun, Huang Lepeng, Wang Neng. Tensile and low-cycle fatigue performance of bimetallic steel bars with corrosion. Journal of Building Engineering 2021, 43, 103188.
9. Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Yang Zhengtao, Xue Xuanyi*, Huang Lepeng, Chen Zengshun. Low-cycle fatigue properties of bimetallic steel bars after exposure to elevated temperature. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2021, 187, 106959.
10. Hua Jianmin, Fan Haifeng, Yan Wei, Wang Neng, Xue Xuanyi*, Huang Lepeng. Seismic resistance of the corroded bimetallic steel bar under different strain amplitudes. Construction and Building Materials 2022, 319, 126088.
11. Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Xiang Yong, Yang Zhengtao, Xue Xuanyi*, Huang Lepeng, Wang Neng. Mechanical properties of stainless-clad bimetallic steel bars exposed to elevated temperatures. Fire Safety Journal 2022, 127, 103521. (ESI高被引论文, 09/2022)
12. Hua Jianmin, Yang Zhengtao, Xue Xuanyi*, Huang Lepeng, Wang Neng, Chen Zengshun. Bond properties of bimetallic steel bar in seawater sea-sand concrete at different ages. Construction and Building Materials 2022, 323, 126539. (ESI高被引论文, 09/2022)
13. Shi Yu, Luo Zeqiao, Zhou Xuhong, Xue Xuanyi*, Li Jun. Post-fire mechanical properties of titanium–clad bimetallic steel in different cooling approaches. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2022, 191, 107169. (ESI高被引论文, 01/2023)
14. Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Xue Xuanyi*, Fan Haifeng, Yan Wei. Fatigue properties of bimetallic steel bar, An experimental and numerical study. Engineering Failure Analysis 2022, 136, 106212. (ESI高被引论文, 03/2023)
15. Xue Xuanyi, Du Dawei, Sun Junyi, He Xiaoting*. Application of Variational Method to Stability Analysis of Cantilever Vertical Plates with Bimodular Effect. Materials 2021, 14, 1–25.
16. Hua Jianmin, Xue Xuanyi*, Huang Qinquan, Shi Yu, Deng Wenjie. Post-fire performance of high-strength steel plate girders developing post-buckling capacity. Journal of Building Engineering 2021, 52, 104442. (ESI高被引论文, 03/2023)
17. Hua Jianmin, Yang Zhengtao, Wang Fei, Xue Xuanyi*, Wang Neng, Huang Lepeng. Relation between the metallographic structure and mechanical properties of a bimetallic steel bar after fire. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 2022, 34, 04022193. (ESI高被引论文, 11/2022)
18. Shi Yu, Luo Zeqiao, Zhou Xuhong, Xue Xuanyi*, Xiang Yi. Post-fire performance of bonding interface in explosion-welded stainless-clad bimetallic steel. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2022, 193, 107285. (ESI高被引论文, 03/2023)
19. Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Xue Xuanyi*. Study on fatigue properties of post–fire bimetallic steel bar with different cooling methods. Structures 2022, 40, 633–645. (ESI高被引论文, 03/2023)
20. Xue Xuanyi, Wen Sirui, Sun Junyi, He Xiaoting*. One- and Two-Dimensional Analytical Solutions of Thermal Stress for Bimodular Functionally-Graded Beams under Arbitrary Temperature Rise Modes. Mathematics 2022, 10, 1756.
21. Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Xue Xuanyi*, Ding Ziheng, Chen Zengshun. Residual monotonic mechanical properties of bimetallic steel bar with fatigue damage. Journal of Building Engineering 2022, 55, 104703. (ESI高被引论文, 03/2023)
22. Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Xue Xuanyi*, Ding Ziheng, Sun Yingzhi, Xiao Lei. Ultra-low cycle fatigue performance of Q690 high-strength steel after exposure to elevated temperatures. Journal of Building Engineering 2022, 57, 104832.
23. Wang Fei, Hua Jianmin, Xue Xuanyi*, Ding Ziheng, Lyu Yifan, Liu Qing, Low-cycle fatigue performance of bimetallic steel bar considering the effect of inelastic buckling. Construction and Building Materials 2022, 351, 128787.
24. Wang Fei, Hua Jianmin, Xue Xuanyi*, Wang Neng, Yao Yunhang, Effects of Polyoxymethylene Fiber on Mechanical Properties of Seawater Sea-Sand Concrete with Different Ages. Polymers 2022, 14, 3472.
25. Xiao Lei, Hua Jianmin, Li Heng, Xue Xuanyi*, Wang Neng, Wang Fei, Quantitative analysis on post – fire – resistant performance of high – strength steel plate girders using LSTM. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2022, 199, 107588.
26. Xue Xuanyi, Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Wang Neng*, Li Shuang, Mechanical Property Model of Q620 High-Strength Steel with Corrosion Effects. Buildings 2022, 12, 1651.
27. Xue Xuanyi, Wang Neng, Huang Lepeng *, Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Chen Zengshun, Liao Ji, Letian Hai, Design suggestions on resistance from flange of sorbite stainless steel plate girder under shear. Materials 2022, 15, 8069.
28. Xue Xuanyi, Wang Fei*, Hua Jianmin, Wang Neng, Huang Lepeng, Chen Zengshun*, Yao Yunhang, Effects of Polyoxymethylene Fiber on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Seawater Sea-Sand Concrete. Polymers 2022, 14, 4969.
29. Shi Yu, Wang Jie, Zhou Xuhong, Xue Xuanyi*, Post–fire properties of stainless–clad bimetallic steel produced by explosive welding process. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2023, 201, 107690. (ESI高被引论文, 05/2023)
30. Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, Xue Xuanyi*, Sun Yingzhi, Gao Yuxin, Post-fire ultra-low cycle fatigue properties of high-strength steel via different cooling methods. Thin-Walled Structures 2023, 183, 110406. (ESI高被引论文, 05/2023)
31. Luo Zeqiao, Shi Yu, Xue Xuanyi*, Zhou Xuhong, Yao Xinmei, Nonlinear patch resistance performance of hybrid titanium-clad bimetallic steel plate girder with web opening. Journal of Building Engineering 2023, 65, 105703.
32. Xue Xuanyi, Shi Yu, Zhou Xuhong, Wang Jie*, Xu Yunpeng, Experimental study on the properties of Q960 ultra – high – strength steel after fire exposure. Structures 2023, 47, 2081-2098.
33. Luo Zeqiao, Shi Yu, Xue Xuanyi*, Xu Lei, Zhang Haibin, Design recommendations on longitudinally stiffened titanium-clad bimetallic steel plate girder. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2023, 201, 107748.
34. Wang Fei, Hua Jianmin, Xue Xuanyi*, Wang Neng, Yan Feidong, Feng Dou, Effect of superfine cement modification on properties of coral aggregate concrete. Materials 2023, 16, 1103. (ESI高被引论文, 9/2023)  
35. Luo Zeqiao, Shi Yu, Xue Xuanyi*, Gao Tingting, Experimental and numerical investigation on patch loading capacity of longitudinally stiffened hybrid titanium-clad bimetallic steel plate girder. Engineering Failure Analysis 2023, 146, 107117. (ESI高被引论文, 1/2024)
36. Wang Fei, Sun Yingzhi, Xue Xuanyi*, Wang Neng, Zhou Junhong, Hua Jianmin, Mechanical properties of modified coral aggregate seawater sea-sand concrete: Experimental study and constitutive model, Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023, 18, e02095.
37. Shi Yu, Luo Zeqiao, Xue Xuanyi*, Peng Lin, Resistance Capacity of a Hybrid Titanium – Clad Bimetallic Steel Plate Girder under Patch Loading, Journal of Bridge Engineering 2023, 28, 04023060.
38. Zhou Xuhong, Luo Zeqiao, Shi Yu, Xue Xuanyi*, Patch loading design recommendations for titanium–clad bimetallic steel plate girder, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2023 10.1142/S0219455423400205.
39. Shi Yu, Wang Jie, Zhou Xuhong, Xue Xuanyi*, Li Honglong, Post-fire constitutive model on explosively welded stainless-clad bimetallic steel after cold-forming process, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2023, 209, 108038.
40. Xue Xuanyi, Ding Ziheng, Huang Lepeng*, Hua Jianmin, Wang Neng, Residual monotonic stress – strain property of Q690 high-strength steel: Experimental investigation and constitutive model, Construction and Building Materials 2023, 392, 132010.
41. Xue Xuanyi, Shi Yu, Luo Zeqiao*, Yao Bin, Patch-loading resistance performance of stainless-clad bimetallic steel plate girders: Numerical investigations and design methods, Thin-Walled Structures 2023, 190, 110964.
42. Xiao Lei, Xue Xuanyi*, Wang Neng, Ren Qiubing, Hua Jianmin, Wang Fei, A transfer learning-based approach to fatigue life prediction of corroded bimetallic steel bars using small samples, Construction and Building Materials 2023, 400, 132679.
43. Luo Zeqiao, Shi Yu, Xue Xuanyi*, Li Honglong, Xu Jinyong, High-strength steel plate girders under patch loading: Numerical analysis and design recommendations, Structures 2023, 57, 105108.
44. Wang Fei, Xue Xuanyi*, Hua Jianmin, Wang Neng, Yao Yunhang, Properties of polyoxymethylene fibre-reinforced seawater sea sand concrete exposed to high temperatures, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 409, 133854.
45. Luo Zeqiao, Shi Yu, Xue Xuanyi*, Xu Yunpeng, Xu Lei, Numerical study and design of ultra-high-strength steel plate girders subjected to patch-loading after elevated temperature, Thin-Walled Structures 2023, 195, 111433.
46. Shi Yu, Luo Zeqiao, Xue Xuanyi*, Ma Quantao, Numerical investigation and design suggestion on patch-loading strength of Q690 high-strength steel plate girders at elevated temperature, Fire Technology, 60 (2024) 545-577.
47. Hua Jianmin, Mingsi Jiang, Xue Xuanyi*, Wang Neng, Yingzhi Sun, Effects of cladding ratio on shear resistance of stainless–clad bimetallic steel plate girder: Numerical analyses and design recommendations, Structures, 2024, 59, 105702.
48. Luo Zeqiao, Shi Yu, Xue Xuanyi*, Xu Lei, Fire-resistance design of ultimate and serviceability limit states for Q690 high-strength steel plate girders under patch loading, Structures, 2024, 59, 105744.
49. Yu Shi, Wang Jie, Xuhong Zhou, Xue Xuanyi*, Yanmin Li, Post-fire mechanical properties of Q960 cold-formed thick-walled ultra-high-strength steel, Fire Technology. (2024) 1-37.
50. Xue Xuanyi, Jiang Mingsi, Wang Neng*, Zhou Feng, Feng Dou, Assessment of residual resistant capacity of cold-formed Q1100 ultra-high strength steel channel section stub column with corrosion, Structures. 65 (2024) 106683.
51. Shi Yu, Wang Jie, Zhou Xuhong, Xue Xuanyi*, Post-fire mechanical properties of titanium-clad bimetallic steel after cold-forming process : Experiment and constitutive model, Thin-Walled Struct. 202 (2024) 112057.
52. Shi Yu, Luo Zeqiao, Zhou Xuhong, Xue Xuanyi*, Xu Jinyong, Mechanical properties and constitutive model of cold-formed Q1100 ultra-high strength steel sections at low and elevated temperatures, Constr. Build. Mater. 438 (2024) 137081.

