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彭留留,工学博士,重庆大学副教授,博士生导师。2017年6月博士毕业于西南交通大学,导师为国家级人才黄国庆教授。攻博期间,于2015年9月赴美国德州理工大学联合培养1年,导师为国家级人才陈新中教授。主要从事新能源风力发电和结构风工程领域的研究工作。发表期刊论文50篇,其中本领域国际主流SCI期刊论文37篇(JCR1区论文25篇、2区论文9篇;一作或通讯作者论文18篇)、其它期刊论文13篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金项目、国家重点研发计划项目子课题、重庆市联合基金重点项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助项目以及重庆市博士后出站留(来)渝资助项目等纵向项目,主研国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合基金等多项纵向项目。主持和主研风力发电和结构风工程相关的多项横向课题。获得了2024年度中国电力建设集团有限公司科技进步三等奖(排名第5)、2023年度重庆市自然科学二等奖(排名第3)、2023年度华夏建设科技进步一等奖(排名第6)、2023川渝科技学术大会优秀论文二等奖(排名第3)、2019年度重庆市科技进步一等奖(排名第5)、2017年度西南交通大学优秀博士学位论文奖等奖励。担任了中国振动工程学会随机振动专业委员会委员、中国工程建设标准化协会抗风减灾与风能利用专业委员会青年委员、SCI期刊《Applied Sciences》的特刊联合主编、《Frontiers in Built Environment》期刊的审稿编辑以及30多本国际知名SCI期刊的审稿人。


1) 《工程制图》
2) 《画法几何与建筑制图》

担任了中国振动工程学会随机振动专业委员会委员、中国工程建设标准化协会抗风减灾与风能利用专业委员会青年委员、SCI期刊《Applied Sciences》的特刊联合主编、《Frontiers in Built Environment》期刊的审稿编辑以及30多本国际知名SCI期刊的审稿人。

1)Huang, G*., Peng, L., Su, Y., Liao, H., and Li, M. (2015). “A wireless high-frequency anemometer instrumentation system for field measurements.” Wind and Structures, 20(6), 739-749. (JCR2区)
2)Peng, L., Huang, G*., Kareem, A., and Li, Y. (2016). “An efficient space-time based simulation approach of wind velocity field with embedded conditional interpolation for unevenly spaced locations.” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 43, 156-168. (JCR1区)
3)Peng, L., Huang, G*., Chen, X., and Kareem, A. (2017). “Simulation of multivariate nonstationary random process: Hybrid stochastic wave and proper orthogonal decomposition approach.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 143(9), 04017064. (JCR2区, ASCE著名会刊)
4)Peng, L., Huang, G*., Chen, X., and Yang, Q. (2018). “Evolutionary spectra-based time-varying coherence function and its application in structural response analysis to downburst winds.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(7), 04018078. (JCR2区, ASCE著名会刊)
5)Huang, G*., Cheng, X., Peng, L., and Li, M. (2018). “Aerodynamic shape of transition curve for truncated mountainous terrain model in wind field simulation.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 178, 80-90. (JCR1区)
6)Huang, G., Jiang, Y., Peng, L*., Solari, G., Liao H., and Li, M. (2019). “Characteristics of intense winds in mountain area based on field measurement: Focusing on thunderstorm winds.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 190, 166-182. (JCR1区)
7)Jiang, Y., Zhao, N., Peng, L*., Zhao, L., and Liu, M. (2019). “Simulation of stationary wind field based on adaptive interpolation-enhanced scheme.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 195, 104001. (JCR1区)
8)Jiang, Y., Zhao, N., Peng, L*., and Liu, S. (2019). “A new hybrid framework for probabilistic wind speed prediction using deep feature selection and multi-error modification.” Energy Conversion and Management, 199, 111981. (JCR1区)
9)Jiang, Y., Liu, S., Peng, L*., and Zhao, N. (2019). “A novel wind speed prediction method based on robust local mean decomposition, group method of data handling and conditional kernel density estimation.” Energy Conversion and Management, 200, 112099. (JCR1区)
10)Wu, F., Liu, M*., Yang, Q., and Peng, L. (2019). “Estimation of extremes of non-Gaussian wind pressure on building roof: Sampling error in moment-based translation process model with no monotonic limit.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 23(4), 810-826. (JCR3区)
11)Liu, M., Peng, L*., Huang, G*., Yang, Q., and Jiang, Y. (2020). “Simulation of stationary non-Gaussian multivariate random processes using moment-based piecewise Hermite polynomial model.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 196, 104041. (JCR1区)
12)Huang, G., Peng, L*., Kareem, A., and Song, C. (2020). “Data-driven simulation of multivariate nonstationary winds: A hybrid multivariate empirical mode decomposition and spectral representation method.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 197, 104073. (JCR1区)
13)Peng, L., Liu, M*., Yang, Q*., and Huang, G. (2020). “An analytical formula for Gaussian to non-Gaussian correlation relationship by moment-based piecewise Hermite polynomial model with application in wind engineering.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 198, 104094. (JCR1区)
14)Zhao, N., Huang, G*., Liu, R., and Peng, L. (2020). “A remote long-term and high-frequency wind measurement system: design, comparison and field testing.” Wind and Structures, 31(1), 21-29. (JCR2区)
15)Liu, S., Jiang Y., Li, M*., Xin, J., and Peng, L. (2021). “Long period ground motion simulation and its application on seismic design of high-rise building.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 143, 106619. (JCR2区)
16)Zhao, N., Huang G*., Kareem, A., Li, Y., and Peng, L. (2021). “Simulation of ergodic multivariate stochastic processes: an enhanced spectral representation method.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 161, 107949. (JCR1区)
17)Zhao, N., Jiang, Y*., Peng, L., and Chen, X. (2021). “Fast simulation of nonstationary wind velocity fields by proper orthogonal decomposition interpolation.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 219, 104798. (JCR1区)
18)Yang, Q*., Yang, Y., Wang, Q., and Peng, L. (2021). “Study on the fluctuating wind responses of constructing bridge towers with magnetorheological elastomer variable stiffness tuned mass damper.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,33(2),290-308 (JCR3区)
19)Wu, F., Liu, M*., Huang, G., Peng, L., Guo, Z., and Jiang, Y. (2022). “Simulation of stationary non-Gaussian multivariate wind pressures with enhanced accuracy and efficiency based on moment-based piecewise Johnson transformation model.” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 68, 103225. (JCR1区)
20)Jiang, Y., Zhao, N*., Peng, L., Xin, J., and Liu, S. (2022). “Fast simulation of fully non-stationary wind fields using a new matrix factorization assisted interpolation method.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 172, 108973. (JCR1区);高被引论文
21)Liu, S., Luo, Y., Peng, L*., Jiang, Y., Meng, E., and Li, B. (2022). “Wind pressure field reconstruction based on unbiased conditional kernel density estimation.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 223, 104947. (JCR1区)
22)Zhao, S., Yue, J., Savory, E., Yan, Z.*, Chen, J., Zhang, B., and Peng, L. (2022). “Dynamic windage yaw angle and dynamic wind load factor of a suspension insulator string.” Shock and Vibration, 6822689. (JCR3区)
23)Li, B., Peng, L*., Jiang, Y., Wu, F., Hui, Y., and Luo, Y. (2022). “Simulation of stationary non-Gaussian stochastic vector processes using a novel eigenvalue-based iterative translation approximation method.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 175, 109128. (JCR1区)
24)Xin, J., Jiang, Y*., Zhou, J., Peng, L., Liu, S., and Tang, Q. (2022). “Bridge deformation prediction based on SHM data using improved VMD and conditional KDE.” Engineering Structures, 261, 114285. (JCR1区) 高被引论文
25)Li, X., Li, S*., Su, Y., Peng, L., Cao, S., and Liu, M. (2022). “Study on the time-varying extreme value characteristic of the transient loads on a 5:1 rectangular cylinder subjected to a thunderstorm-like wind.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 229, 105161. (JCR1区)
26)Liu, S., Peng, L*., Liu, J., Zhao, S., and Jiang, Z. (2022). “Spectral representation-based efficient simulation method for fully non-stationary spatially varying ground motions.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 161, 107436. (JCR2区)
27)Zhao, N., Li, X., Peng, L*., Xu, Z., Chen, X., and Wang, X*. (2022). “Influence of phases of coherence functions on the wind field simulation using spectral representation method.” Applied Sciences, 12, 8190. (JCR2区)
28)Zhao, N., Xu, Z., Peng, L*., Li, X., Chen, X., and Wang, X*. (2022). “Simulation of nonseparable nonstationary spatially varying ground motions with an enhanced interpolation approximation approach.” Applied Sciences, 12, 6757. (JCR2区)
29)Jiang, Y., Hui, Y*., Wang, Y., Peng, L*., Huang, G., and Liu, S. (2023). “A novel eigenvalue-based iterative simulation method for multi-dimensional homogeneous non-Gaussian stochastic vector fields.” Structural safety, 100, 102290. (JCR1区);高被引论文
30)Liu, S., Jiang, Y*., Qiao, K., Peng, L., and Liu, D. (2023). “Record-based simulation of three-component long-period ground motions: Hybrid of surface wave separation and multivariate empirical mode decomposition.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 172, 108037. (JCR2区)
31)Liu, R., Peng, L., Huang, G*., Zhou, X., Yang, Q., and Cai, J. (2023). “A Monte Carlo simulation method for probabilistic evaluation of annual energy production of wind farm.” Energy Conversion and Management, 292, 117355. (JCR1区)
32)Hu, W*., Yang, Q., Peng, L., Liu, L., Zhang, P., Li, S., and Wu, J. (2024). “Non-stationary modeling and simulation of strong winds.” Heliyon, 10, e35195. (JCR1区)
33)Li, S., Peng, L*., Yang, Q., Li, X., Cao, J., Cao, S., and Jiang, Y. (2024). “Transient surface pressure of a rectangular cylinder subjected to downburst-like winds.” Physics of Fluids, 36, 085196. (JCR1区)
34)Long, T., Jiang, Y*., Huang, G., Peng, L., Wang, H., and Yang, H. (2024). “An analytical model for estimating aerodynamic damping of wind turbines in the shutdown state.” Physics of Fluids, 36, 127130. (JCR1区)
35)Liu, W., Peng, L*., Huang, G, Yang, Q., Jiang, Y., and Wang, B. (2025). “Wind farm layout optimization in complex terrain considering wind turbine fatigue load constraint.” Physics of Fluids , 37, 027135. (JCR1区)
36)Huang, G., Long, T., Liu, M*., Yuan, D., Peng, L., and Tan, X. (2025). “Semi-Analytical formula for estimating variance response of Megawatt wind turbine tower under parked condition.” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2550018. (JCR2区)
37)Li, S., Li, X*., Jiang, Y., Yang, Q., Lin, M., Peng, L., and Yu, J. (2025). “A novel frequency-domain physics-informed neural network for accurate prediction of 3D Spatio-temporal wind fields in wind turbine applications.” Applied Energy, 386 , 125526. (JCR1区)
1)Huang, G.*, Chen, X., Li, M., and Peng, L. (2013), “Extreme value of wind-excited response considering influence of bandwidth transportation.” Journal of Modern Transportation, 21(2), 125-134.
2)彭留留, 黄国庆*, 廖海黎, 李明水. 演化功率谱解耦及其在工程领域中的应用[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2015, 50(2): 319-324. (EI)
3)苏延文, 黄国庆*, 彭留留. 与反应谱相容的多点完全非平稳地震动随机过程的快速模拟[J]. 工程力学, 2015, 32(8): 141-148. (EI)
4)黄国庆*, 苏延文, 彭留留, 马存明, 廖海黎, 李明水. 山区风作用下大跨桥梁响应分析[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2015, 50(4): 610-616. (EI)
5)彭留留, 黄国庆*, 李明水, 袁理明, 罗楠. 某机场新航站楼风压分布特征及风振系数研究[J]. 空气动力学学报, 2015, 33(4): 1-8. (CSCD)
6)黄国庆*, 彭留留, 廖海黎, 李明水. 普立特大桥桥位处山区风特性实测研究[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2016, 51(2): 349-356. (EI)
7)罗颖, 黄国庆*, 李明水, 彭留留. 基于风洞数据的低矮房屋双坡屋面风压非高斯特性[J]. 空气动力学学报, 2018, 36(4): 577-584. (CSCD)
8)吴凤波, 黄国庆, 刘敏*, 彭留留. 非高斯风压极值估计:基于矩的转换过程法的抽样误差对比研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2020, 39(18): 20-26. (EI)
9)吴凤波, 姜言*, 彭留留, 吴波, 罗颖. 基于矩的传递函数模型的“不兼容”非高斯风压过程模拟研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(24): 142-149. (EI)
10)李少鹏, 李鑫*, 杨庆山, 曹曙阳, 彭留留. 雷暴风作用下流线型箱梁抖振力空间相关性时变特性试验[J]. 中国公路学报, 2023, 36(5): 128-139. (EI)
11)李胜民, 王志佳*, 彭留留, 郭士康, 黎洪磊, 崔洁. 地震激励下近海风机桩的振动台模型试验研究. 地震工程与工程振动, 2023, 43(1): 221-228. (EI)
12)黄国庆, 刘伟杰, 王彬滨, 彭留留*, 杨庆山, 谭舒. 基于深度神经网络的风力机疲劳载荷代理模型研究[J]. 太阳能学报, 2024.(EI)
13)刘伟杰, 黄国庆, 彭留留*, 杨庆山, 姜言. 考虑风力机疲劳载荷限制的风电场布局优化研究[J]. 太阳能学报, 2024.(EI)
1)黄国庆, 廖海黎, 李明水, 彭留留, 刘昌福, 马存明. 一种高频风速仪测量数据远程传输系统, 2015-07-08, 中国, ZL201410118627.7 (发明专利)
2)黄国庆, 彭留留, 刘昌福, 廖海黎, 李明水. 一种数字传感信号驱动智能型节能开关系统, 2017-02-01, 中国, ZL201410344577.4 (发明专利)
3)黄国庆, 赵宁, 廖海黎, 李明水, 陈波, 彭留留. 一种基于远程控制和数据压缩的数据无线采集系统, 2017-09-19, 中国, ZL201510979968.8 (发明专利)
4)黄国庆, 彭留留, 廖海黎, 李明水, 何华, 刘昌福. 一种用于大风监测的高频数据远程传输系统, 2019-03-05, 中国, ZL201510178804.5 (发明专利)
5)黄国庆, 宋淳宸, 彭留留, 苏延文. 一种基于MEMD与SRM的单样本非平稳风速模拟方法, 2019-12-31, 中国,ZL201911404242.6 (发明专利)
6)闫渤文,黄国庆,郭超明,张楠,周绪红,杨庆山,程旭,彭留留,苏延文. 耦合多点测风仪和微尺度稳态模拟的高分辨率山地风场测量方法, 2022-06-07, ZL202210212742.5  (发明专利)
7)黄国庆; 刘瑞莉; 彭留留; 周绪红; 杨庆山; 蔡继峰. 一种基于不确定性与尾流模型的风电场发电量评估方法,2022-11-9, 中国, CN202211395561.7 (发明专利)
8)吴凤波; 姜言; 王旭; 彭留留; 刘敏; 黄国庆; 黄博; 吴悦. 基于Piecewise-Johnson变换的非高斯风压模拟方法及系统和存储介质,2022-9-30, 中国,CN202011347457.1 (发明专利)
9)姜言; 刘烁宇; 辛景舟; 彭留留; 吴凤波; 唐启智; 李双江. 一种长周期地震动模拟生成方法,2023-5-11, 中国, CN202310529148.3 (发明专利)
10)吴凤波; 彭留留; 姜言; 刘亚南. 一种屋顶瓦片可换的低矮建筑风载荷模拟房屋,2024-7-12, 中国, CN202111396992.0 (发明专利)
11)姜言; 吴凤波; 彭留留; 辛景舟; 文泓润; 姚新桂; 凌浩; 冯玉涛. 基于最大熵法和矩转换函数的平稳非高斯风压模拟方法及系统,2023-12-19, 中国, CN202311749821.0 (发明专利)
12)王彬滨; 彭留留; 黄国庆; 杨庆山; 易亮; 杨富程; 刘海坤; 刘帅; 胡文科; 沈宏涛; 韩二红; 付东. 风机疲劳载荷预测的方法及系统,2024-5-13, 中国, CN202410589648.0 (发明专利)
13)李天; 杨庆山; 张钰豪; 李少鹏; 刘纲; 彭留留. 一种考虑浪流耦合的海上浮式平台水动荷载模型,2024-6-28, 中国, CN202410858853.2 (发明专利)
14)彭留留, 苏延文, 吴祚菊, 毕俊伟, 徐佳, 王志佳, 欧阳芳. 空间相关性多点非平稳风场模拟软件, 2014SR082298, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2014-03-15. (软件著作权)
15)西南科技大学, 吴祚菊, 彭留留, 施杰, 王志佳, 欧阳芳, 闫孔明. 与结构动力特性相容的人工地震动响应计算软件, 2020SR0851319, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2020-05-15. (软件著作权)
16)姜言, 彭留留, 刘烁宇, 吴祚菊, 赵宁, 辛景舟, 吴凤波. 基于EEMD和特征选择的风速预测软件, 2020SR0818623, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2020-05-15. (软件著作权)
17)杨庆山, 彭留留, 蔡思雯, 路江平, 蒋博远, 黄国庆, 姜言. 风电场年发电量不确定度计算软件[简称:不确定度计算软件]V1.0, 2023SR1014139, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2023-06-01. (软件著作权)
18)姜言, 万江, 刘烁宇, 彭留留. 基于无偏条件核密度估计的风压场重建V1.0, 2023SR1741139, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2023-09-28. (软件著作权)

5)2023川渝科技学术大会优秀论文二等奖(排名第3),A novel eigenvalue-based iterative simulation method for multi-dimensional homogeneous non-Gaussian stochastic vector fields,2023年12月,重庆市科学技术协会与四川省科学技术协会

