2017年10月14日上午,重庆大学聘任日本工程院院士、前国际风工程学会主席田村幸雄教授为土木工程学院全职教授。聘任仪式在重庆君豪大饭店2楼主会议厅举行。重庆大学校长周绪红院士、重庆大学土木工程学院院长杨庆山、加拿大工程院院士Theodore Stathopoulos教授、美国工程院院士Kishor Metha、美国工程院院士Ahsan Kareem、美国德州理工大学陈新中教授等专家、领导出席了聘任仪式。
聘任仪式由重庆大学土木工程学院院长杨庆山主持, 杨院长首先致辞欢迎各位嘉宾的到来,祝贺田村幸雄教授成为重庆大学土木工程学院全职教授。周校长为田村教授颁发全职教授聘书,表示田村教授是我校友谊深厚,曾给予很大的帮助,希望未来能一起为我校的建设共同努力。
聘任仪式结束后,田村幸雄教授作了题为“Tornados in Japan and Japanese Enhanced Fujita-scale”的学术报告。
Prof. Yukio Tamura was the director of Wind Engineering Research Center in Department of Architectural Engineering of Tokyo Polytechnics University (TPU) and the director of TPU GLOBAL COE Program under Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japanese Government. He has been the president of the International Associations for Wind Engineering (IAWE) for eight years. He has received several honors including the Prize of Architectural Institute of Japan, the Prize of Japan Association for Wind Engineering, Alan G. Davenport Medal of IAWE and Jack E. Cermak Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Prof. The International Group for Wind-Related Disaster Risk Reduction was founded and led by Yukio Tamura in 2009 and chaired until now. Prof. Yukio Tamura has research interests in wind engineering, control of wind-induced vibration and monitoring of wind-induced structural response.