On March 22-23,2018,Prof. Ashraf EI Damatty, UWO, Canada, visited school of Civil Engineering(SCE), Chongqing University (CQU), to conduct lectures and negociate cooperation between UWO and CQU.
At 10:00 am, March 22, Prof. Damatty conducted a report entitled"Transmission Line Structures under Synoptic and Non-Synoptic Wind-Modeling, Testing and Code Implementation". Dozens of teachers and students dicussed lively with Prof. Damatty about the topic, and Prof. Damatty gave a further explanation.Finally the report ended in the warm applause of all attendees.
At 2:30 pm, March 22, Prof. Damatty and Prof. Yang Qingshan's team members held further discussions in No.1 academic hall. During the seminar, Prof. Damatty and the participating teachers expressed their strong desire to strengthen cooperative researches. And preliminary drafted the content of the cooperation study.
At 2:30 pm, March 23, Profs Damatty, Vice-Dean Zhang Chuan and other teachers exchanged views on the double degree training system between CQU and UWO, which will play an important role in strengthening international exchanges and cooperation between our university and foreign famous universities, and promoting the double top construction of our university.