IStructE China Young Researchers' Conference 2017 was held in Chongqing University on 23, Dec. 2017. China Regional Group of The Institution of Structural Engineers (hereafter referred as IStructE), the Civil Engineering, hydraulic engineering, and architecture department of Chinese Academy of Engineering (hereafter referred as CAE) hosted, and Chongqing University (hereafter referred as CQU), Tongji University (hereafter referred as TJU), and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (hereafter referred as HKPU) undertook the conference. Over 10 experts and 20 young researchers attended the conference, such as Xuhong ZHOU, the academician of CAE and the president of CQU, Yukio TAMURA, the foreign academician of CAE and the full-time professor of CQU, Wenzhong YU, the foreign academician of CAE and the chairman of Lam dong Yan international engineering consulting (China) co., LTD.
Over 20 young researchers are come from Chongqing University, Tsinghua University (hereafter referred as THU), Tongji University, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. All of them gave a specific report about structural engineering on the basis of their own researches, including steel-concrete combination structure, steel structure, structures under wind, health monitoring.
After the fierce competition, finally only 6 excellent young researchers own the first, second and third praise. Dr. Dingxuan WANG from CQU won the first praise and he will attend the 20th IStructE Young Researchers' Conference as a guest and give an invited speech. Dr. Ke LI from CQU, Dr. Chuanchuan HOU from THU won the second praise, and Dr. Yifei HU from HKPU, Dr. Yan LI from TJU and Dr. Shi ZAHNG from Beijing Jiaotong University won the second praise.
At the closing ceremony, the academician of CAE and the president of CQU Xuhong ZHOU indicated that the conference promoted the communication between all the participants and widened their eyes about frontier knowledge, he also hoped young researchers could contribute themselves to the structural engineering field.